Doctor Who Toys and Figures

Since 2005 new Doctor Who figures have been available. With the reinvention of the TV series the BBC have delivered Doctor Who to a new generation and allowed a previous to relive fond memories.

I myself can remember watching Peter Davidson's 5th incarnation of the Doctor and those Dr's that came after him. Then, the journey ended!

Russel T Davis brought the series back with Christopher Eccleston as the 9th incarnation and along with Billie Piper playing Rose he started the journey afresh.

Old nemesis's appeared in the shape of the Dalek's and new Hero's Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) and Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke).

David Tennant became the 10th Doctor at the end of the first new series and when the second, third and fourth series aired the fan base fell in love with him.

Figures and toys of the characters sold on occasion well over retail price as many collectors who where children first time around could now afford to have the toys that they couldn't before.

Selected figures where exclusive to certain retailers and general retailers were treated to some great figures that sold like gold dust and others that became peg warmers.

A new Tardis also accompanied the Doctors and this was also made in scale with the figures.

The figures came in 12 inch size and 6 inch size plus the newer character building who range.

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